Buckeyes Code of Conduct for Parents, Players and Supporters:
1. I will treat other players, coaches, officials, parents, referees and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation or ability.
2. I will remember that children participate in this youth basketball program to have fun, improve their skills, learn teamwork, communication, & healthy competition.
3. I will be a positive role model for my peers and encourage good sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy. I will be kind & supportive to all my peers, teammates, coaches, & referees.
4. I will not engage in any unsportsmanship-like conduct of any type with any official, coach, player, parent or other spectator such as booing, taunting, profanity, obscene/inappropriate gestures, intimidation or other commonsensical inappropriate behavior.
5. I will not engage in any behaviors or practices that will endanger the health and well-being of the players, parents, coaches, referees or any other AAU/Buckeyes official.
6. I will teach my teammates that doing one’s best, listening to coaches, & improving is more important than winning.
7. I will praise my teammates for competing fairly and trying their best.
8. I will never ridicule or yell at a child, coach, official, parent or other participant for making a mistake or losing a competition.
9. I will promote the emotional and physical well-being of the players ahead of my personal desire to win.
10. Never publicly criticize referees or coaches – raise personal concerns with program supervisors in private. (Playing time concerns must be discussed with coaches 24 hrs after a game).
11. Drugs, alcohol and tobacco are not allowed on ISD 192 buildings and grounds at any time. As a member of North County Buckeyes Basketball, I understand that if I disregard this Zero Tolerance policy, it may result in the following:
1. Possible expulsion from the program including disallowance of attendance at any league functions associated with or sponsored by North County Buckeyes Basketball.
2. Immediate forfeiture of any and all registration fees that I have paid or have been paid on my behalf.
3. Possible suspension or denial for any future seasons/tournaments. I agree to abide by the Code of Conduct and respect all players, coaches, referees, parents, & spectators.